The use of very fine needles inserted into specific points shown to be effective in treating many health problems. The pathways for the circulation of Chi and blood throughout the human body, they run in length and breadth, scattering throughout the whole body and connecting the interior and exterior, zang-fu organs and extremities, thus forming an organic integrity.
Electro-acupuncture is a form of acupuncture where a small electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles, which can restore health and well-being, and is particularly good for treating pain.
Cupping therapy:
Cupping is an ancient Chinese method of causing local congestion. A partial vacuum is created in cups placed on the skin either by means of heat or suction. This draws up the underlying tissues and the suction of the cups mobilizes blood flow to promote the healing of a broad range of medical ailments. When the cup is left in place on the skin for a few minutes, blood stasis is formed and localized healing takes place.
Auricular Acupressure (Ear Acupressure):
Ear Acupressure, also known as auricular therapy, is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Auricular acupressure is like time-release acupuncture. Small herbal seeds are secured in the ear with a piece of adhesive tape over specific acupuncture points. The seeds stimulate the point by exerting mild pressure. Patient can press on them for an added effect. They stay in the ear for up to a week. Auricular therapy is widely used for many conditions, including addiction treatment, mood disorders, obesity, pain, and other conditions. This medical system emphasizes a holistic approach to medicine, an approach that treats the whole person. The acupuncture points found on the ear help to regulate the body's internal organs, structures, and functions.
Moxibustion is the use of the herb "Mugwort" (Ai Ye in Chinese, Artemisia vulgaris in Latin) for healing purposes. Moxibustion therapy in conjunction with acupuncture can be very effective for many diseases and conditions including back pain, muscle stiffness, headaches, migraines, tendonitis, arthritis, digestive disorders, anxiety, and female health problems such as menstrual cramps, irregular periods, and infertility.
Herbal Foot Baths to Promote Health:
In herbal foot bathing, the feet are immersed in a tub filled with a special herbal solution. Ancient physicians believed that: "the three yin meridians (Liver, Spleen and Kidney) start from the toes, and exterior coldness tends to invade from the soles; washing the feet before sleep helps to warm the yin meridians and expel the coldness." Based on long term experience, they commented that:
- Washing feet in spring promotes the yang qi to flow upward, and thus consolidates the internal organs in their proper positions;
- Washing feet in summer helps to eliminate dampness (relieves tiredness and promotes the appetite);
- Washing feet in autumn nourishes the lungs and promotes its functioning (less chance of respiratory problems developing);
- Washing feet in winter can warm up the dan-tian (enhance resistance against cold weather).
Herbal foot bathing is widely used as a supplementary healing therapy for conditions like skin diseases, joint pain, hypertension, insomnia or diarrhea in children.